Data Management...Backup...Archive
Posted by Matthew Gwynn on
As the Big Data revolution continues, a recent survey has estimated that a massive 40 Zettabytes (40 billion terabytes) of data will be created by 2020. With all that data being created by professional industries from broadcast media right through to healthcare, it's impossible to ignore the growing need for new and innovative developments in data management technology.
Reliable and robust systems of data management, backup and archive are essential. It is now more possible for data management solutions to work in harmony to meet the needs of commerce, industry, broadcast and research organisations.
There is a misconception that businesses must select either disk or tape based systems depending on their needs for data management but it’s important to recognise that both disk and tape have their place in an integrated, tiered data management system. In fact, for long term archive of critical data, tape is the only
media of choice.
For most organisations, a data management solution involves disk, LTO or Enterprise tape, plus some use of Cloud for non-critical applications. Tape continues to provide the lowest cost storage options and offers the most reliable retention of data over lengthy periods. The latest LTO-7 tape allows storage for upwards of 30 years.
PMD Data Solutions will be pleased to assist you in reviewing you data management, backup and archive requirements. Together with our partners in data management, we work hard to ensure a balanced offering of data, backup and archive products which work together to achieve the global, future-proofed data management solution that is cost-effective, whilst meeting all regulatory compliance and security directives.
We can help your organisation to improve data management functions, help reduce costs and provide ongoing service, warranty and support.
Email if you would be interested in using our free, no obligation assessment tool - which can reveal enhancements to your system may be possible, without costly forklift upgrades.
- Tags: HPE