PMD reaches new heights

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PMD Data Solutions reaches new heights thanks to Liz Hopkins & Rosina Lilley - who work for the Sue Ryder Charity at the Duchess of Kent Hospice in Reading.

We are very proud to have sponsored all the trekking and training kit that was needed for this fund-raising venture. The trekkers were also proud to wear the PMD Data Solutions branded outfits to the summit of Poon Hill. We were with them in spirit if not in body.

Based at The Duchess of Kent Hospice in Reading, Liz and Rosina have continued their quest onwards and upwards. After the success of reaching the summit of Kilimanjaro (to see the first sunrise of 2017) they raised over £20,000 for the Charity and Hospital.

From the heat of Africa, their next challenge was trekking the Annapurna region of the Himalayas in Nepal. The goal was to reach Poon Hill at 3210 metres. The trek took 6 days (4 up and 2 down).

So when they set themselves this new physical challenge, the main aim was to raise funds and they were truly successful on both fronts - the event raised nearly £16,000. This cash went towards various new wardrobes and “over the bed tables”, and this year it is hoped each room will be fitted out with a smart TV. All helping to put a smile on the faces of the patients who are receiving end of life care. Liz and Rosina feel honoured to care for the Hospital patients at the Hospice. All the staff make sure that the patients are living the best life than can as they approach the final journey of their lives.

The girls were nominated for a Sue Ryder Women of Achievement award in 2017/2018. Liz and Rosina have also been listed in the Pride of Reading award. But the real driving force for these challenges is the patients themselves and the families that they care for. While the trekkers were away on the mountains, one of the young hospital patients lost his fight for life. News of this is very emotional and sad event spurred on the girls as the muscles in the legs and body felt the strain of the Himalayan slopes!

Most of us have been touched by loss and know the real value that the Sue Ryder Charity offers. Here at PMD Data Solutions we are very proud of Liz and Rosina and their fantastic physical and fund raising achievements

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