Data Storage - The Future is the use of Tape. Listen to the words of Mark Lantz at IBM Research
Posted by Matthew Gwynn on
It should come as no surprise that recent advances in big-data analytics and artificial intelligence have created strong incentives for enterprises to amass information about every measurable aspect of their businesses. Financial regulations now require organizations to keep records for much longer periods than they did in the past. So companies and institutions of all stripes are storing more and more data onto LTO tape and the introduction of LTO 8 media in 2019 will be most timely.
The future of data storage is magnetic tape, [click here to see the full article from Mark Lantz - Manager of Advanced Tape Technologies at IBM Research Zurich].
To see how Fujifilm's Barium Ferrite tape coating technology helps to achieve superior storage capacities and greater reliability at reduced cost, click on the video below to see why LTO 8 media is so important in 2019 and onwards.
Further generations of tape data storage will be available in the years to come, including LTO 9, LTO 10, LTO 11 and LTO 12. Keep in close contact with PMD Data Solutions for all the latest news in high capacity data storage.